- Rehearsals are on Friday evenings from 6 to 8pm in the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra Rooms, Hanover Street.
- There are two ten week semesters each year with a concert held at the end of each semester.
- Each section of the orchestra will have a weekend practice session in both the first and second semesters.
- Commit to being present at ALL rehearsals and sectionals.
- Notify an unavoidable absence as early as possible by emailing [email protected]
- In 2025, thanks do generous donations, we have been able to reduce our fees by 25%.
Pay your subscription of $150. For families with more than one child, siblings of the first child are charged at $112.50 each. (You are paying less than $3 per hour for the orchestral rehearsals each week, sectionals with a specialist tutor and performance opportunities and training – it is very good value for money). Please pay directly into our account (Dunedin Youth Orchestra – 38 9012 0791955 01) using initials and last name as a reference. No cash or cheque payments please. If paying for more than one player, please put the payment through for each player and not as a group payment (this helps keeps our recording of payments clear).
Note: We do not wish financial hardship to be a barrier to joining the orchestra. If this applies to you please contact the treasurer (who will treat this with the utmost confidence).