2025 Audition Music



2025 auditions are now open and close on Friday 21st February at 5pm. Further information on this year’s audition requirements, and how to submit your application, is available here: 2025 Audition Information

Please read carefully: There are two extracts for each instrument (NB Double basses have three). Please play the section(s) between the red brackets. You do not need to count through extended sections of rests, but shorter rests should be observed in rhythm. In passages with more than one note printed simultaneously, please play the top note. Tempo indications are given, but where metronome marks are printed, if the metronome mark is too fast for you, we’d rather hear a successful rendition played slightly slower!

Please note we are looking for a tenor saxophone (B flat) for the first concert in addition to the clarinets.

Percussionists: Please record both the snare drum and timpani extracts (so four in total). Hanover Hall is available to record your audition on Friday 21st February from 6pm to 8pm, and your application may be submitted the following day. Please email us at dunedinyouthorchestra@gmail.com to let us know if you wish to use this facility.

All auditionees: Follow this link to download audition extracts